This. Is us.

This. Is us.
It's still us.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Hey people, I just thought, seeing as neither Grace or myself have written something in a long time, I better write something. How is everybody? Probably good. Or not. I'm hungry... Just as well I have a nice block of chocolate next to me! Nom nom nom nom nom. The end.
Hannah xx

Monday, January 3, 2011

OMG!!! IT"S 2011!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!!!! Not really but that's another year of our lives gone so I suppose it's a big thing. whatever... I went to the zoo today. It was really cool!! I liked the elephants, the orang-utans, the lions and the seals!!! The elephants have babies and they are soooooo adorable!!! I love them and would want a pet one apart from the fact that they weigh like 300kg already!!! can you imagine if a baby weighed that much. That would be one fat baby. but the baby elephants are so cute that it makes up for it so I would want a pet one if it didn't squash the furniture!!!
Grace xoxo