This. Is us.

This. Is us.
It's still us.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cats, Music and Movies

Sitting here listening to S&M by Rihanna on a Sunday, still in my pyjamas, on facebook, full from a delicious breakfast, with the knowlege that Hannah is coming over soon :D Really is there a better way to spend a morning. In my opinion not really!! haha and my pyjamas are purple and have colourful converse on them. They are pretty damn cool!! :) S&M is one of the best songs ever to dance to. Especially if your with your friends at a sleepover and it's really loud!!! haha oh the memories....and then playing twister!!! That game it incredibly hard!! Like your in a posision were all of your weight is on one hand and you have to try to balance!! and then your friends who are working the spinner start talking and you have to tell them to hurry up because you don't think that you can hold it much longer :D Hannah and I are probably going to go and see the movie Red Riding Hood later today!!! YAY!! it looks really good and i can just afford to get a ticket for both of us. So that should be good... Awwww my kitten, Lucy, is asleep behind me on the bed. She is sooooooo adorable. The most adorable cat in the world. I know everyone says that but this time it's actually true!!! But I know that Hannah would disagree because she has a super cute cat called Tiffany, but we usually call her Tiffy. Sooooooo Lucy can be the cutest kitten and Tiffy can be the cutest cat.
Anyway ttyl
Grace xoxo