I haven't been doing much today but I just heard on the radio people saying that today it Christmas Eve's Eve. Like you could just keep n going with that like you could say that yesterday was Christmas Eve's Eve's Eve!!! It's rediculous that people are going to that sort of extreames to make the day feel special!! Anyway it's just a thought.I do love Christmas though! Especially Christmas lunch!!! YUMMM!!!!!!! mmmmm...turkey!!! For me anyway because Hannah is a vegetarian so she can just enjoy the roast vegetables that go with it. God, I could never go vegetarian. I am known as the carnivore of our group of friends at school. We all have names depending on our eating habits. We have a carnivore, a vegetarian, a non-pig eater, a cheese obsesive, a person who is so healthy that it's unhealthy, a sweet tooth and a chocoholic. On school camp friends dared me to try and go vegetarian for a week. That was the week (of course) that mum made a lasagne. I didn't make it even one day!!! haha
Grace xoxo