This. Is us.

This. Is us.
It's still us.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our First Blog!

Heeeello, hello there. This is our first blog, and it's pretty exciting for us. We've just had a sleepover, it's been pretty fun...Staying up until 2:30AM... Watching Jaws *shudders* And Epic Movie. Jaws was the scariest movie ever (apart from Paranormal Activity 2. And the Grudge. Which we haven't seen. But looks really scary.) And we ate chocolate bavarian, red Pop Tops and hot chips! YYYYYYYYYYYYYYUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!! We kinda like hot chips as you might be able to tell. Mmmm.. chips... *cue drooling* :) (Not really, we don't actually drool. Eww.) Haha, funny story: We went to the DVD Rental Shop (to get Jaws), and the STUPID (not really, but still) lady wouldn't let us hire it because we didn't have a members card, so we went all the way back home just to find that Hannah's mum has a members card and all we had to do was tell the lady Hannah's phone number and name. Duh! *banging our heads on the table* So we went back to the DVD store and got Jaws. YAY! LET THE HORROR BEGIN! Mwahahahahaahahaha! haha
Grace and Hannah xox